Net dan database SQL Server 2008 serta perancangan sistem informasi yang digunakan yaitu Data Flow Diagram (DFD) dan ER diagram untuk proses bisnis yang akan dirancang. Sistem informasi ini dibuat berbasis dekstop dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic. Badan uasaha seperti Toko Universal Komputer akan sangat baik sekali jika memiliki sistem informasi yang bagus sehingga manajemen penjualan, pembelian, dan persediaan barang di bidang usaha tersebut akan lebih baik. Selain itu, Toko Universal Komputer memiliki kelemahan dalam melakukan laporan penjualan, pembelian, dan persediaan yang tingkat ketepatannya masih kurang.
#Program vb.net aplikasi penjualan dan pembelian toko buku manual
Proses pencatatan masih bersifat manual dengan menggunakan buku besar sehingga data yang dihasilkan kurang efektif dan efesien. Universal Komputer adalah suatu badan usaha di Pekanbaru yang bergerak di bidang usaha perakitan dan penjualan komputer serta perlengkapannya yang belum memiliki sistem yang terintegrasi dengan baik antara penjualan, pembelian, dan persediaan barang.

The ER diagram developed could be of significance to environmentalists and other stakeholders in understanding the processes through which contaminants get to the various compartments of the earth system. The ER chart showed the relationships between the pollution sources, their pathways, and the receptors. Results of spatial spill distribution from the Kernel density and Getis-Ord G* statistic revealed that three states of the Niger Delta namely, Bayelsa, Rivers, and Delta states are the hottest spots for oil spill occurrences and distribution. The Kernel density and Getis-Ord G* statistic were used in GIS to map the oil spill areas in the region. Visio was used for the design of the entity relationship (ER) diagram of the study. Geospatial analysis was used to design an oil spill data base comprising the logical, physical, and conceptual data base design. The study uses existing oil spills data to show the areas and extent of oil pollution in the Niger Delta. The aim of this paper is to develop a database on how oil spills affects water quality which is one of the most crucial resources in the Niger Delta. The effects of oil spills in the Niger Delta has caused unending menace to the quality of drinking water in most wells and boreholes of the area as most of the wells are shallow and are susceptible to contamination due to the nature of its Geology. The authors use the medical domain to illustrate our methodology.Ībstract. The authors rely on existing methodologies to convert an ER form into star schemas. The elicited information is represented as an ER diagram. The authors technique picks up the components of the policy enforcement rule to elicit the information that has a bearing on its selection.

For this, the information relevant to the rules is to be kept in the Data Warehouse. That subset of the set of formulated policy enforcement rules which is most appropriate for the business is to be selected. Starting from policies expressed in a higher order logic, the authors propose an approach to formulate policy enforcement rules.

MEANS are organized into business policies and ‘policy enforcement rules'. The authors propose that the MEANS perspective of this Model can drive the requirements engineering process. Data Warehouse requirements engineering has been extensively looked at from the ENDS perspective of the Business Motivation Model, in terms of goals the system to-be wants to achieve.